My Device Pro

by 3k Developers


0.99 usd

Dispositivo Pro consente di sapere informazioni complete del vostro dispositivo Android - No Ads

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This is the Pro version of "My Device" without any Ads. My Device pro is a powerful yet simple app that lets you know all the essential details about your phone. Whether it be information regarding your System on Chip (SoC), the memory of your device or tech specs about your battery or all the relevant information about your device sensors – My Device pro is your one-stop place for all this. Complete listings of all Software & Hardware details.nn#1 Device information App in this Category. All the Software & Hardware details can share. For all Hardware and software details of your device use "My Device Pro", Its simple and easy to use. Multi-Language support one of the important feature of "My Device Pro". nnYou can explore the..n ** Device **n★ Manufacturern★ Brandn★ Modeln★ Board Typen★ Hardwaren★ Serial Numbern★ Android IDn★ Screen Resolutionn★ Boot Loadern★ Hostn★ Usernn ** OS **n★ OS Versionn★ Release daten★ Supported Statusn★ Version Numbern★ API Leveln★ Build IDn★ Build Timen★ Fingerprintnn ** CPU **n★ Memory Usage Detail graphical viewn★ CPU Modeln★ RAM Usagesn★ ABIn★ CPU Variantn★ Serialn★ CPU Implementern★ CPU Portn★ CPU Revisionn★ Hardware Modeln★ Other Featuresn★ Available RAMn★ Free RAMn★ Total RAMnn ** Battery **n★ Battery Typen★ Battery Healthn★ Battery Leveln★ Power Sourcen★ Voltagen★ Temperaturen★ Statusnn ** Storage**n★ Internal and External Detail Storage detailsn★ Used Storagen★ Free Storagen★ Total Storagen★ Graphical view of Storage detailsnn ** Network**n★ Connection Statusn★ Data Typen★ Network Typen★ IP Addressn★ MAC Addressn★ SSIDn★ Link Speednn ** Camera**n★ Camera detail Specificationsn★ Megapixels detailsn★ Aspect Ratio detailsn★ White Balance detailsn★ Scene Mode detailsn★ ISO detailsn★ HDR detailsn★ auto-exposure detailsn★ camera-mode detailsn★ contrast detailsn★ dual-camera detailsn★ effectn★ face-detectionn★ hdr-mode detailsn★ lots more..nn ** Sensors**n★ List all Sensorsn★ Sensor Namen★ Int Typen★ Vendorn★ Versionn★ Resolutionn★ Powern★ Maximum rangen★ Accelerometer Sensor Detailsn★ Magnetometer Sensor detailsn★ Gyroscope sensor detailsn★ Light sensorn★ Gravity sensorn★ Rotation Sensor detailsn★ Tilt , AMD, RMD , Facing , Step counter , Step Detector lots more sensorsn★ Accurate real time readings from sensorsnn ** Feature**n★ Checking all device featuresn★ WIFIn★ WIFI Directn★ Bluetoothn★ Bluetooth LEn★ GPSn★ Camera Flashn★ Camera Frontn★ Microphonen★ NFCn★ USB Hostn★ USB Accessoryn★ Multitouchn★ Audio Low-Latencyn★ Audio Outputn★ Consumer IRn★ Gamepad Supportn★ HIFI Sensorsn★ Printingn★ CDMAn★ GSMn★ Professional Audion★ App Widgetsn★ SIPn★ SIP-based VOIPnn ** User Apps & System Apps**n★ List of all User Apps and System Appsn★ Package namesn★ Easy open applicationnn★ Detail description of all device featuresn★ Can share every details by easy clickn★ Multi-language choose featuren★ Highest rated app in this category - Toolsnnand lots more..nnSystem requirements:nAndroid Version 4.0 and upnNo - AdsnnFor free Version of "My Device Pro" -"My Device Pro" is one stop place for all your hardware & Software related Queries. All the device information in one place.nSupport and Technical Assistance:nYou can reach out to the developers via email available at the bottom of this app description. We would be glad to have your suggestions and feedback so that we can improve "My Device Pro" and serve you better.nn★ ★ ★ ★ ★